Go Beyond Your Imaganition
A powerful platform to create business applications rapidly and affordably - with or without programming skills.

Internal Tools
All Organizations have a need for internal tools. Internal tools are internally facing application used within an organization to manage data. The use cases could range from data store, user interfaces to intranet. The internal tools are customized to Organizations needs and processes.

Business Applications
Business applications are different as compared with internal tools. Business applications are primarily used by external stakeholders and are used to improve the operations of a business. Examples of business applications include customer relationship management, applicant tracking systems, project management, inventory management and more...
Approval Workflows
Almost every business process involves some kind of approval workflow. Businesses use approval software to manage all kinds of processes. For example, vacation requests, employee expenses, content marketing, invoices, equipment hire, resourcing, procurement, and more.

External Portals
Portals are gated platforms, where users can access, manipulate or submit information. Portal apps are a powerful way to provide an efficient user experience for all kinds of internal and external stakeholders. For example, customer portals are used to provide exclusive product pages, deals, content, or documentation.
Businesses use directories to provide accessible, up-to-date records of their employees, suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders. Most directories are stand-alone tools, for users to look up, add, or update information. Others integrate with external tools, to provide a streamlined, efficient way to gather, manage, and access existing data.